Company Incorporation in Bangladesh: A Step-By-Step Roadmap


The Offshore Company Registration Process In Few Easy Steps

This tutorial/guide will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the requirements, procedure, and timeline for offshore company formation in Bangladesh. To start and maintain a business in Bangladesh, like other countries, has a set of unique and ongoing regulatory compliance requirements.

According to data on formation of company in Bangladesh, in 2018, the number of new businesses registered was 4,473.000. This represents a reduction from the previous year’s figure of 7,629.000.

When starting a new business or relocating an existing one to Bangladesh, keep in mind that most Bangladeshi businesses are incorporated as private limited companies. In Bangladesh, a privately owned company is a legal entity, and stockholders are only liable to the extent of shareholding they contributed to the company. The Companies Act of 1994 allows anyone person (foreign or local) over the age of 18 for company in Bangladesh.

Key Elements:

1. The way a company is formally constituted and brought into existence is through company formation services.

2. Company formation services entails drafting a declaration as the certificate of incorporation and listing all of the company’s shareholders.

3. Limited liability means that the resources and free cash flow of the corporate entity are kept distinct from that of the buyers and shareholders in an offshore company formation.

Bangladesh’s Legal Entities Are Shown Below

Type of Entity Allowed Foreign Ownership (Max.) Paid up 

Capital (Min.)

No. of Shareholders (Max.)
  1. Private Limited Company
100% $1* 2
  1. Public Limited company
100% $1* 7
  1. Subsidiary company
51%-100% $1* 2
  1. Branch Office
100% No capital No shareholder
  1. Representative Office
100% No capital No shareholder

5 Steps To Formation Of Company In Bangladesh

The Registration Process: In Bangladesh, Offshore company registration is partially computerized.

Five separate steps make up the Bangladeshi firm configuration procedure:

  1. Name clearance; 
  2. Document drafting (AoA, MoA); 
  3. Opening & putting in the compensated investment bank account; 
  4. Business registration; and finally, 
  5. Post-registration requirements.

**Step (3) is only applicable if the proposed company has any foreign shareholders.

Here’s a comprehensive infographic on how to start a business in Bangladesh. (How to formation of company incorporation in Bangladesh in Five Easy Steps)

Final Words

Company Registration Services provide valuable assistance and expertise to individuals and entrepreneurs looking to establish their businesses. These services offer a streamlined and efficient process for registering a company, ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Do you intend to establish a business in Bangladesh? Our advisors will gladly assist you with offshore company registration in Bangladesh. So don’t hesitate to contact us.