Quaternary On Why Is Our Virtual Office Service Becoming So Popular

Virtual Office

Let’s Hear From Our Clients!

1. What is the best benefit of our virtual office service?
virtual office service

Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0

Answer Type Response Percentages (%)
Cost-effective 25 50%
Affordable 10 20%
24/7 Services 13 25%
Others 2 5%
2. What are the best features of our virtual office solutions?
virtual office solutions

Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0

Answer Type Response Percentages (%)
Registered business address 15 30%
Telephone Answering 17 35%
Meeting room hire 10 20%
Others 8 15%
3. Who needs the virtual office most?
virtual office most

Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0

Answer Type Response Percentages (%)
Small business 12 25%
Startups 15 30%
Freelancers 17 35%
Others 6 10%
4. Is our virtual office service helps to grow your business?
virtual office service helps to grow your business

Answered 50, Skipped 0, Response Total 50

Answer Type Selection % All Question Responses % ALL Survey Responses
Very High Quality 28 56% 56%
High Quality 18 36% 36%
Satisfactory 4 8% 8%
Poor Quality 0 0% 0%
Very Poor Quality 0 0% 0%
5. Is virtual office legal to use for new company registration?
new company registration

Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0

Answer Type Response Percentages (%)
Agree 22 45%
Strongly agree 25 50%
Disagree 3 5%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
6. Why virtual office is getting more popular day by day?
Why virtual office

Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0

Answer Type Response Percentages (%)
Cost-effective 25 50%
Affordable 10 20%
24/7 Services 13 25%
Others 2 5%

7. Is a virtual office the workstation of the future?

virtual office the workstation

Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 1

Answer Type Response Percentages (%)
Agree 20 40%
Strongly agree 25 50%
Disagree 2 5%
Strongly Disagree 2 5%

8. Are you a frequent user of our virtual office service?

frequent user of our virtual office

Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0

Answer Type Response Percentages (%)
Agree 20 40%
Strongly agree 22 45%
Disagree 6 10%
Strongly Disagree 2 5%
9. Would you consider repurchasing or renewing our virtual office service?
our virtual office service

Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0

Answer Type Response Percentages (%)
Agree 12 25%
Strongly agree 35 70%
Disagree 3 5%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
10. Which features of our virtual office service do you find the most appealing?
features of our virtual office

Total Respondents: 50, Answered: 50, Skipped: 0

Answer Type Response Percentages (%)
Effective 25 50%
Reliable 10 20%
Hassle-Free 13 25%
Others 2 5%