Top-notch HR Grants Consulting Services !

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HR Grants Consulting Services

Top-notch HR Grants Consulting Services in Bangladesh!

Companies Cannot Function Without HR Grants Consulting Services

NetworkBD’s HR Grants Consulting Services can build employee care by assist organizations with planning. And also offer relax working hours for workers. Consequently, this activity will less costs, increase employee talent. And engage in ability, set up best industry idea, and so on.

Top notch HR Grants Consulting Services in Bangladesh

Learn About The World-Class Benefits Of Our Services

Offering 6 Key Features With Our HR Counseling Grants



01. Work-life grants

The work life grants offers lead forces and finance for organizations to offer their Employees with suitable work plans otherwise called BIDA grants. Due to the goal for organizations to meet all require for this grants by HR Grants Consulting Services. They also should offer contribution suitable timings, work place, and low keeping work plan.

The Work-Life Grant is intended to encourage employers to continue using flexible work arrangements (FWAs) for all employees in order to achieve work-life balance.

NetworkBD can furnish organizations with the accompanying counseling services to guarantee accordingly they meet all requirements for work-life grants: 


  1. Lead needs scanning audit, utilize center focus and reviews, on presently adaptable working hours and arrangements set up 
  2. Investigate discover to give ideas to senior management on settling difficult to the implementation of a design and also propose. Somewhere around two reasonable BIDAs for execution 
  3. Give guidance on the design to consolidate a balance between serious and also fun activities methodology 
  4. Plan and lead a studio with senior management to build up target and objective for a balance between serious and also fun activities 
  5. Foster cycles and strategy to help the joining of work life grants 
  6. Communicate and train Employees on work life grants

02. HR Shared Services (HRSS)

HR Shared Services

HR Share Services (HRSS) offers organizations 70% finance backing of qualify costs to improve. And although advance the function effective of the HR Grants Consulting Services. By the time outsourcing HR functional exercises to NetworkBD, organizations will actually want to further develop their HR handling and also frameworks at this time. Therefore, entire services under HR Shared Services include: 


  1. HR Advisory Services 
  2. HR Information Services 
  3. HR Operations 

03. Enterprise Training Support (ETS)

Enterprise Training Support

Currently, enterprises are provided with around 10 million by enterprise training support (ETS), which is made available to them through.

Accordingly, there are five grants with terms of two years each: preparation, aptitude, educational program setting and arrangement, HR advancement, and pay and benefits review.


simultaneously, ETS is a monetary help program created by the Ministry of Manpower and the Bangladesh Workforce Development Agency.

Therefore, as part of the program, organizations receive a training package to supplement their on-the-job training and increase talent.


The program also clears costs cause by the business use to upgrade the advance element of the HR Grants Consulting Services. In the same way inspecting and benchmarking the advantages and pay frame work to rebuild compensation. The services under ETS include: 

pay frame work

  1. Increase the ability level of Employees 
  2. Making HR structure to help preparing plan 
  3. Looking at the pay frame work 

04. Ability Development Grant (ADG)

Simultaneously ability Development Grant (ADG) gets 70% free from project costs caused by the business. Accordingly, this grant clears costs identified with consultant, labor force, preparing, confirm.

And also building up the business size to further develop measure, market access, item development, and Increase talent. The HR Grants Consulting services under ADG include:

Development Grant

  1. Business Excellence 
  2. Human Resources Development 
  3. Administration Excellence 

05. Client Centric Initiative (CCI)

The Customer Centric Initiative (CCI) urges organizations to subscribe to giving great management and also start to lead. Particularly  the pack in Increase management idea in their industry. The CCI program gets 70% free from material costs for SMEs and 50 percent for non SMEs. At this time, the CCI administration of HR Grants Consulting Services includes: 

Client Centric Initiative

  1. Examining present buyer loyalty level 
  2. Creating and carrying out assistance plans, techniques, frame work, and also advice
  3. Developing training programs
  4. Implementing a reward system
  5. Guaranteeing the business under Bangladesh Service Class (S-Class) 

06. Development and Capability Voucher (ICV)

The Innovation and Capability Voucher (ICV) urges organizations to refresh their ability in the space of HR Grants Consulting Services.

such as productivity, financial management, and development. There are eight vouchers for each company. Organizations must complete the Enterprise in less than six months in order to receive another coupon. The ICV administration includes: 


  1. Authoritative determine to decide quality and also short come 
  2. Present and also carry out fundamental HR frame work 
  3. Get client and also guarantee cycle and approach are adjust to help them 


Although, NetworkBD can give design to your association by giving you our HR Grants Consulting Services. You can trust to give you quality services, as we don’t just preach introduce work life activities, however we addition follow one.

FAQs For HR Grants Consulting Services


How do I know if my HR policies are in line with law amendments?

There has never been a time in the history of modern times when so many employment laws have been changed or propose. Accordingly NetworkBD HR’s human resource assess will help determine where you are in this ever changing world of employment law and give you peace of mind about your employment practice.

Is my employee handbook old?

The law may change day by day. Federal and state employment laws are certainly not immune to change, as we have seen in many amendment and propose amendment to major employee laws. Your employee handbook should reflect those changes so that it can serve as a communication tool for your employees. Though our employee handbook reviews, our experts can help.

Is my HR form getting too old?

Like the employee handbook, any employee form you use should reflect current rules and regulation. Though our Human Resource Assessment, NetworkBD HR will ensure that your employment forms avoid asking questions that may cause you problems, as well as what you need. Can provide relevant data.

What if I need a one-time HR manager?

Networkbd HR On-Call Answers Your Needs! When you need us, we need help. There will be a NetworkBD HR specialist for your business dedicated to getting to know your business so that when you call we will be familiar with your activities and be able to respond to your specific needs.

Everything You Need To Know About HR Grants Consulting Service