Industry Specific Tax Incentives in Bangladesh

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A Leading Industry Taxation Incentives in Bangladesh

Currently in the global economy, Bangladesh is in a good position to compete, due in part to low, 17 percent headline corporate tax rates, Industry Specific Tax Incentives and adequate tax exemptions for small and medium-sized companies. If your business is in line with the priorities of the Government of Bangladesh for economic development, you can take part in a comprehensive package of incentives and discounts provided by the state.
Bangladesh’s Industry Specific Tax Incentives in Bangladesh

Financial Services Made The Process Easy

The Main Industry Specific Tax Incentives Include:


Trading Income:

Foreigners consider Bangladesh as an important place to invest in various ways as capital gains and income earned by financial services companies are often tax- free. One applies to trading investments on behalf of non-resident customers.

Profit earned by a financial services company is not taxable for income from providing investment services to customers.
If you have a qualified financial institution and make payments to individuals or entities in Bangladesh to qualify for derivatives, you will receive a tax deductionon these payments.

Industry Tax Incentives Specifically For Banks Will Be At Your Doorstep

If non-residents pay interest or other payments on their business or business, you will receive a tax-free tax deduction.
All banks approved under the Income Tax Act or licensed under the Banking Act.
Finance companies licensed under the Finance Companies Act, and Authorized financial institutions dealing with securities in Bangladesh that lend money or securities in respect of their regulated activities and are licensed under the Securities and Futures Act.

Tax Paying Incentives for Fund Management Industry

Fund management companies need to make Bangladesh a developed country in Asia. This stems from the rapid fund registration and attractive tax benefits. Tax exemption for offshore funds A qualified offshore fund operated by Bangladesh does not pay tax on certain income, which includes:
1. Profit
2. Interest
3. Dividends
Investments like stocks, securities, shares, bonds, futures contracts, deposits and the like are eligible for this discount.
A qualifying fund is:


1. Not fully beneficially owned by Bangladeshi investors, including permanent establishments based in Bangladesh which are non-resident, persons residing in Bangladesh or corporate entities residing in Bangladesh and
2. Bangladesh is not present, and
3. A company, trust or personal account.
Verifiable non-resident on-individual investors who: do not enjoy business activities or presence in Bangladesh, or who own a permanent institution in Bangladesh but refrain from using Bangladesh-acquired operational funds to invest in qualifying funds. Certain government institutions in Bangladesh A corporate investor.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is there any tax on incentives?

 Any kind of bonus like Performance Linked, Sales Target Linked, Rating Linked and Incentive Scheme is fully taxable. All such receipts are taxable on your income tax return under ‘Income from Other Sources’. Such income is taxed at a flat rate of 30%, which will be 31.2 after adding 4% cess.

Why are taxpayers given tax rebates?

A waiver under NetworkBD is one of the income tax provisions that helps taxpayers reduce their income tax liability. You can claim income tax deduction under NetworkBD if your total income does not exceed 3 lakh taka in a financial year.

How is incentive taxed?

 Federal and state taxes Bonuses are subject to income tax, they are not just added to your income and are not taxed at your top marginal tax rate. Instead, your bonus is calculated as supplemental income and is subject to federal withholding at a flat rate of 22%.

What are the types of tax incentives?

Personal tax incentives are a prominent form of incentive and include discounts, rebates and credits. Specific examples include mortgage interest discounts, individual retirement accounts and hybrid tax credits. Another form of personal tax incentive is income tax incentive.

Leading Industry Specific Tax Incentives in Bangladesh