Nominee Shareholder Services

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Well Planned Nominee Shareholder Service Solution in Bangladesh


Any regular individual (local and foreign) can be an nominee shareholder in Bangladesh and enjoy in a similar expense/TAX incentive and exemption. Because of the straightforwardness necessity by the Bangladesh Authorities, we are done offering this assistance to our clients. 


In Bangladesh, it isn’t exactly feasible for recipient proprietor to stay mysterious. As per the RJSC rules, each organization is needed to keep a Register of Register able Controllers where records of an individual or a legal entity who is considered as a Beneficial Owner/Controller are kept. 


An individual or a legal element is considered as a Beneficial Owner/Controller when the individual or the lawful substance has by the same token:

1. Significant Interest
  • Premium in over 25% of the offers 
  • Shares with over 25% of complete democratic force in the organization.
  • Premium in over 25% of the offers
  • Shares with over 25% of the complete democratic force in the organization.
2. Significant Control
  • Holds the option to designate or eliminate chiefs who hold a larger part of the democratic rights at chiefs’ gatherings; or
  • Holds over 25% of the rights to decide on issue that are to be settled on by a vote of the individuals from the organization; or
  • Practices or has the option to practice huge impact or authority over the organization.

The Register of Register able Controllers is to be given to the Authorities as and when needed by them. Bank account opening cycle may likewise be severe with a Nominee shareholder structure. The bank will demand for more data to comprehend the foundation of the valuable proprietor and the justification behind utilizing a Nominee Shareholders for setting up the Company. The Bangladesh Companies Act requires all Bangladesh Private Limited Organizations (PLOs) to have somewhere around one shareholder, either an individual or an enterprise. It isn’t required for the shareholder to be a Bangladesh occupant.

Take Our Latest Nominee Shareholders Agreement 

Nominee shareholders Service by and large require a marked Declaration of Trust wherein the selected nominee shareholders hold shares in the interest of the valuable proprietor. The Nominee shareholder isn’t the legitimate proprietor of the offers. The offers will be gotten back to the helpful proprietor when the assistance is ended or moved to one more party according to the valuable proprietor’s solicitation. All pay and capital additions on the offers have a place with the beneficial owner. 


If you engage a nominee shareholders services which the offers are held 100% by a nominee enterprise, the Company cannot appreciate full duty exclusion advantage and the Company will be needed to plan and record XBRL report for the Company unless exempted.

FAQ For Nominee Shareholder Services

How can i find a nominee shareholder?

It is feasible to find and nominate nominee shareholders on your own, but this will take a significant amount of time and work. You will also be responsible for processing all legal documentation on your own.

Which is the core part of a nominee shareholder?

The purpose of appointing a nominee shareholder is to keep the real owner of the firm from being publicly linked with it.
When you nominate a nominee shareholder, you and the nominee will sign a nominee service agreement (declaration of trust).
Offshore Company Corp provides nominee shareholders who work with the utmost honesty and confidentiality.

Any risk to me if I use Nominee shareholder?

No, the candidate is a non-beneficiary, non-executive, and just appears on the paperwork as a name. You are still the Beneficial Owner of your company’s bank account, and we have a Nominee Agreement with terms and conditions in place, as well as a Power of Attorney that gives you complete control over your business.

Why take up Nominee Shareholder Services?

Clients frequently use our Nominee Shareholder Service for the aim of maintaining confidentiality. The Nominee Shareholders hold the shares on trust for the beneficial owners as part of our service. On the Register of Shareholders, just the Nominee Shareholder’s name will be listed.

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