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We Setup Leather Business In Bangladesh In A Proper Way!
Leather Business and footwear industry is one of the greatest moderate piece of Bangladesh, after Ready Made Garments (RMG). The assembly has declared the Leather Business as a portion with amazing turn of events, theory and settlement procuring potential. PM Sheik Hasina pronounced leather things as ‘result of the year’ in January 2017. As per Bangladesh Tanners Association, the nation produces 220 million square feet of conceals each year, the fragment extent is cow conceal 64.82 percent, bison 2.25 percent and sheepskin 1.2 percent. The reasonable labor is empowering top makers to relocate their creation lines in the country. Lately, one more entryway has opened up to additionally grow the extent of Bangladesh’s product base because of incorporation of footwear and various things, especially to the European Union (EU) market. Now a days setup Leather Business in Bangladesh is very demandable.
Bangladesh Leather Business produces leather products like footwear’s, belts, packs, bags, wallets, coats, and different elegant things. These items are traded both in the local and worldwide business sectors. Leather footwear is the quickest developing area of the leather business. As shown by the Leather Goods and Footwear Manufacturers’ and Exporters’ Association of Bangladesh, the family requirements of leather stock was worth with regards to a big amount. In the accounting year 2017-18, according to data from the Export Promotions Bureau Bangladesh, the commodity of leather stock was USD 1.08 billion. Around 85% of leather from Bangladesh are traded to far off nations, generally as crushed leather, blue wet leather, finished leather, leather pieces of clothing, and footwear.
Bangladesh Leather Business trades footwear at zero percent duty rate and that is perhaps one more inspiration behind why worldwide buyers are restless to come and place assets into Bangladesh.
Profits in this area:
- Abundant, modest work – ideal for work intensive industry.
- Good quality local supply of raw materials, as results of the huge animals industry.
- Government is offering help as far as expense occasions, duty free imports of raw materials, send out motivators and hardware for the product situated leather market.
- Huge unexploited the homegrown and global market
- Increasing worldwide interest for esteem added, broadened items
- The extent of growing in reverse linkage business
- High-esteem expansion potential
- International Fashion and sourcing houses in Bangladesh for RMG showing interest in items

Get Genuine Registration and License Process With Us
There are multiple ways accessible by which a financial backer can put into Leather industry, for example Sole Proprietorship, Partnership Business and Private Limited Company. The initial two choices are not realistic by foreign investors and branch office is just accessible for unfamiliar investors.
Know Here The Easy Way Of Registration Procedure
To set up a sole ownership business in Bangladesh, the following advances should be followed:
Stage 1- Proposed business name in Bangla
Stage 2- Obtaining Trade License.
We Handle General Licenses For Leather Business Setup
Trade License- It is the essential requirements for ownership. This can be gotten by making an application to the individual City Corporation/local government alongside the rent/lease report of the workplace space of the business. Elements which will work in business area and the elements which will work in modern area will need to apply for business trade license and modern trade license separately.
TIN Certificate– The application should be made through internet based entry of National Board of Revenue (NBR).
VAT certificate– The application should be made through web-based gateway of National Board of Revenue (NBR).
Our Methodology of Setting Up An Organization Are As Below
Organization Incorporation:
Stage 1 – A Name Clearance for the proposed name of the Company, should be acquired from RJSC
Stage 2 – Drafting the following:
A. Memorandum and Articles of Association of the organization;
B. Consent of director to act;
C. Particulars of the directors, administrator and overseeing specialists.
Stage 3 – Opening the ledger for the Bangladeshi Company and dispatching the offer capital measure of the unfamiliar investors (not needed for local investors)
Stage 4 – Bank to give encashment endorsement of such unfamiliar settlement (not needed for local investors)
Stage 5 – The marked records, as referenced in sync 2, will be needed to be submitted to the RJSC alongside the encashment certificate and the public authority expenses for the consolidating the organization
Stage 6 – RJSC will confirm the records and give the affirmed consolidation document
TimeLine – It typically requires 3 to about a month, after submitting the documents according to Step 5, for RJSC to give the authentications.
Specific licenses/approval
Import Registration Certificate (IRC) and Export Registration Certificate (ERC) – Entities which will need to import and additionally send out labor and products/will need to acquire IRC as well as ERC separately. Investors who need to import Leather and Leather items or apparatuses, IRC is a vital authentication to be acquired by them. An exporter can trade any amount of Leather and Leather products at any cost from Bangladesh subsequent to acquiring ERC.
The applications for IRC or potentially ERC should be made to the Office of Director Controller of Imports and Exports, with substance incorporation records, TIN testament, trade license, dissolvability authentication from the bank and office of business participation certificate and pertinent government charges. Both the certificates should be renewal yearly.
Authorized Registration and Approval of Leather Factory Plan
To have a Leather and Leather items manufacturing plant in Bangladesh the element should acquire endorsement of its production line plan and should enroll something similar with the Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishment. In each financial year, it should to be renewed.
9 Main Steps For Issuance Of The Approval and The Certificate Of Registration:
- Land archive
- Detailed development plan
- Site arrangement/end-all strategy/design
- Machine format
- Flow diagram of assembling measure
- Electricity interest note
- Trade license
- Fee installment slip
- Entity incorporation and related document
Environment Clearance Certificate – For every single industry and venture, it is compulsory to get Environmental Clearance according to Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act (ECA) 1995 and Bangladesh Environment Conservation (Amendment) Act (ECAA). The Department of Environment (DOE), Bangladesh is capable to give Environment Clearance Certificate. Ecological Clearance Certificate can be grouped into four classes which are as per the following:
- Green
- Orange-A
- Orange-B
- Red
To all current modern units and projects and proposed modern units and industries falling in the Green Category, Environmental Clearance Certificate will be given. Firstly, a Site Clearance Certificate and from there on an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be given for modern units and activities falling in the Orange-A, Orange-B. In circumstance of Red classification businesses, at initial a Location Clearance Certificate, then, at that point, Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) endorsement and thusly an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be given.
General Steps for Environmental Clearance:
Stage 1: Submit application along supporting document.
Stage 2: Verification of utilization and supporting records by DOE
Stage 3: Inspection directed by the approved official after confirmation of all report and records.
[Then settle on choice with regards to the leeway (Only Green and Orange-A)]
Stage 4: Meeting of Environmental Clearance Committee (for Orange-B and Red Category)
Stage 5: Decision
In this stage, it is checked whether an item, resource or system meets specific rules.
Inspection incorporates services expected to further develop execution, lessen hazard, check amount control quality and meet other administrative requirements. Check of records, visual investigation, manufacturing supervision, electronic and mechanical testing are also included.
How Our Leather Business Support Worked For You!
Being a full help law office, NetworkBD, gives all types of legal and financial services with its experienced and skilled teams.
NetworkBD offer the types of assistance for foundation of elements, for example sole ownership, organization business as well as restricted responsibility organization, in Bangladesh, and acquiring the necessary licenses from the important government authority. The services incorporate drafting pertinent document, frames and giving the necessary archive list and strategy and in this way record the application with the important archives to the significant government office and liaising with them all through the check interaction and get the essential certified document.
Ensuring The Best Advisory For Leather Business Setup
Current interest for the leather products and footwear on the world is almost billion where Bangladesh sends out just million. In the event that more investors put resources into this leather industry there is a huge chance to get a handle available with our most extreme degree of proficiency and legitimate vital arranging. The interest of the leather items will increment just as peoples all around the world are lining towards popular leather items. Subsequently, the business will continue to update its situation in the business.